Welcome to the ISG Community! Besides a place to learn, International School Groningen is a community where we make friends and support each other. This protected Community section was created to safeguard the privacy of everyone at International School Groningen. Students, parents and staff have all been issued a personal login. You can use it to access school documention such as requests for absence as well as school policies.

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Welcome to the ISG Community! Besides a place to learn, International School Groningen is a community where we make friends and support each other. This protected Community section was created to safeguard the privacy of everyone at International School Groningen. Students, parents and staff have all been issued a personal login. You can use it to access school documention such as requests for absence as well as school policies.

Login to Managebac

‘Parents can really get involved here. The whole school environment is very welcoming.’

What does the Parents’ Support Group (PSG) do?

We discuss issues

The PSG has decided to focus on the fun part of the work, mainly because communication between students & parents and the school is very good. Always available and accessible, the staff are happy to discuss any issues that may arise. Still, if there is a problem we will talk to the management and staff about it, and help solve it. After all, the parents’ view can be an eye opener for the staff. On the other hand, an insight in the staff’s heavy workload lets the parents realise the limitations and problems the staff are facing. This helps the parents to understand their point of view and clear the air.

We organise events

  • We organise a fun evening at the start of the school year - a chance for students, parents and staff to get to know each other in an informal environment and at the same time raise money to support facilities for students in the school.
  • Theme sessions include topics such as IB and MYP, and drug awareness. We invite parents, students and experts to these sessions so that everyone receives lots of information and gets answers to all of their questions.
  • Teacher Appreciation Lunch: We offer the Management and Staff a nice lunch to show our appreciation of their hard work.
  • Annual soccer tournament, including a Family Potluck Dinner.
  • Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas): each student and teachers receives a chocolate letter in their own initial, packaged and handed out by Sinterklaas and/or Piet.

We assist and support

  • Spring/Summer projects: We organise a hotdog lunch with many side dishes to celebrate the end of these projects.
  • We hand out treats, fruit, juice and water to the DP2 students in the breaks between exams.
  • We fund the Wim Koopman awards. They are awarded every year to students from the MYP and DP sections for academic excellence as well as being an example to others when it comes to working together, treating others with respect and helping create a great and safe environment at school.

We represent the ISG

We have a seat on the Maartenscollege Parent Council on behalf of the ISG.
We also exchange information and discuss important items with representatives of the PSGs of the other Dutch International Secondary Schools which form the IPSSG. The IPSSG stays in contact with the boards of these schools, the ministry of Education and other institutions dealing with International Education in the Netherlands.

Contact the IPSG

What does the Parents’ Support Group (PSG) do?

We discuss issues

The PSG has decided to focus on the fun part of the work, mainly because communication between students & parents and the school is very good. Always available and accessible, the staff are happy to discuss any issues that may arise. Still, if there is a problem we will talk to the management and staff about it, and help solve it. After all, the parents’ view can be an eye opener for the staff. On the other hand, an insight in the staff’s heavy workload lets the parents realise the limitations and problems the staff are facing. This helps the parents to understand their point of view and clear the air.

We organise events

  • We organise a fun evening at the start of the school year - a chance for students, parents and staff to get to know each other in an informal environment and at the same time raise money to support facilities for students in the school.
  • Theme sessions include topics such as IB and MYP, and drug awareness. We invite parents, students and experts to these sessions so that everyone receives lots of information and gets answers to all of their questions.
  • Teacher Appreciation Lunch: We offer the Management and Staff a nice lunch to show our appreciation of their hard work.
  • Annual soccer tournament, including a Family Potluck Dinner.
  • Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas): each student and teachers receives a chocolate letter in their own initial, packaged and handed out by Sinterklaas and/or Piet.

We assist and support

  • Spring/Summer projects: We organise a hotdog lunch with many side dishes to celebrate the end of these projects.
  • We hand out treats, fruit, juice and water to the DP2 students in the breaks between exams.
  • We fund the Wim Koopman awards. They are awarded every year to students from the MYP and DP sections for academic excellence as well as being an example to others when it comes to working together, treating others with respect and helping create a great and safe environment at school.

We represent the ISG

We have a seat on the Maartenscollege Parent Council on behalf of the ISG.
We also exchange information and discuss important items with representatives of the PSGs of the other Dutch International Secondary Schools which form the IPSSG. The IPSSG stays in contact with the boards of these schools, the ministry of Education and other institutions dealing with International Education in the Netherlands.

Contact the IPSG

Absence from school

Ensuring the safety of your child is our top priority. Therefore it is essential for us to be kept informed. If you know that your child will be away, please inform us well in time. If your child is ill, or if anything has happened that prevents your child from coming to school, please let us know immediately. If your child’s absence is unexplained we will take action.

Being an IGVO (Internationaal Georiënteerd Voortgezet Onderwijs) school we abide by the same regulations for school attendance as all Dutch secondary schools. Some of the absence regulations are given below.
  • If your child is ill or cannot get to school due to travel delays or a family emergency, please mail the school (isgabsent@maartens,nl) or call (050 5340084) before 8.15.
  • Absence due to medical appointment (doctor/dentist, up to one school day) can be requested (a minimum of one day in advance) by email to the school (isgabsent@maartens.nl).
  • All students are expected to be present on all days outside of the published vacation dates. In certain extreme circumstances you can make a request for absence during term. Please do so via email (isgabsent@maartens.nl) at least three months in advance of the absence.
  • Requests for vacation time due to cheaper flights or other similar circumstances will not be approved. Where an employer enforces vacation outside of the published school holidays a request for absence must be accompanied by a letter from the employer supporting this.

Absence from school

Ensuring the safety of your child is our top priority. Therefore it is essential for us to be kept informed. If you know that your child will be away, please inform us well in time. If your child is ill, or if anything has happened that prevents your child from coming to school, please let us know immediately. If your child’s absence is unexplained we will take action.

Being an IGVO (Internationaal Georiënteerd Voortgezet Onderwijs) school we abide by the same regulations for school attendance as all Dutch secondary schools. Some of the absence regulations are given below.
  • If your child is ill or cannot get to school due to travel delays or a family emergency, please mail the school (isgabsent@maartens,nl) or call (050 5340084) before 8.15.
  • Absence due to medical appointment (doctor/dentist, up to one school day) can be requested (a minimum of one day in advance) by email to the school (isgabsent@maartens.nl).
  • All students are expected to be present on all days outside of the published vacation dates. In certain extreme circumstances you can make a request for absence during term. Please do so via email (isgabsent@maartens.nl) at least three months in advance of the absence.
  • Requests for vacation time due to cheaper flights or other similar circumstances will not be approved. Where an employer enforces vacation outside of the published school holidays a request for absence must be accompanied by a letter from the employer supporting this.