Getting a good education is important

Are you an international student looking for a good school and a lively environment? Are your parents moving to the north of the Netherlands? Then International School Groningen is what you are looking for.
The ISG offers an education that fits into the international baccalaureate programme. This means your diploma gives you access to any study programme you may choose after graduation, anywhere in the world.

Having a good time is equally important

School is not only about education. Making friends and having a good time is just as important, if not the most important aspect of your school time. International School Groningen is a dynamic place with lots of students from all parts of the world. The atmosphere is open and friendly - a warm environment where you will experience all kinds of activities with your class mates and where you are bound to make friends for life.

Getting a good education is important

Are you an international student looking for a good school and a lively environment? Are your parents moving to the north of the Netherlands? Then International School Groningen is what you are looking for.
The ISG offers an education that fits into the international baccalaureate programme. This means your diploma gives you access to any study programme you may choose after graduation, anywhere in the world.

Having a good time is equally important

School is not only about education. Making friends and having a good time is just as important, if not the most important aspect of your school time. International School Groningen is a dynamic place with lots of students from all parts of the world. The atmosphere is open and friendly - a warm environment where you will experience all kinds of activities with your class mates and where you are bound to make friends for life.

Creativity, open mindedness and reflection

You will soon feel at home at the ISG. Our main goal is to ensure that you are comfortable with who you are, wherever you are. Some of our students are real global nomads, so the classroom is always dynamic and evolving, with students coming in and students leaving.

We consider creativity a major 21st century skill. Wherever you go there is a need for people who think out of the box. Even when you move to a country with a system where creativity is not greatly appreciated, it will always come in handy later. Two other skills you will need to move forward are open mindedness and reflection. We provide academic tools you can use at whatever school you go to next.
We give you emotional support when you need it. Being a small school we know our students well, and we can give you the time and attention you need. Students feel free to come to talk to us, and we will gladly lend them our ear and help with problems.

‘When I came from Mongolia I never thought that I would be meeting people from all over the world here in this small school in the north of the Netherlands!’

Creativity, open mindedness and reflection

You will soon feel at home at the ISG. Our main goal is to ensure that you are comfortable with who you are, wherever you are. Some of our students are real global nomads, so the classroom is always dynamic and evolving, with students coming in and students leaving.

We consider creativity a major 21st century skill. Wherever you go there is a need for people who think out of the box. Even when you move to a country with a system where creativity is not greatly appreciated, it will always come in handy later. Two other skills you will need to move forward are open mindedness and reflection. We provide academic tools you can use at whatever school you go to next.
We give you emotional support when you need it. Being a small school we know our students well, and we can give you the time and attention you need. Students feel free to come to talk to us, and we will gladly lend them our ear and help with problems.

International culture

Where are you from? ISG students come from all over the world, and we truly are an international school. Students’ parents of work at one of the universities, at the UMCG or for big international companies like Shell, NAM or Philips. In fact, our school is like a mini UN: we have students from Mongolia, Denmark, Croatia, Canada, Spain, etc..

We organise events that reflect the international character of our school, for instance because students and their parents bring a dish from their home country. We encourage you to share customs from your own country with other students on all kinds of occasions and in different projects. We all learn from each other.

Respect rules

We have one rule that applies to everyone at the ISG:

Teachers should be allowed to teach and students should be allowed to learn

Whatever interferes with that rule is not acceptable. It all has to do with respect, of course. Respect for teachers who have something to teach the students, and respect for students who are trying to pick up some useful information. In fact, it is quite simple: treat others with respect and expect them to do the same.

‘The math teacher is great. He is young and interested in everything we do. In his classes we are not only taught maths, but about everything in the world.’

International culture

Where are you from? ISG students come from all over the world, and we truly are an international school. Students’ parents of work at one of the universities, at the UMCG or for big international companies like Shell, NAM or Philips. In fact, our school is like a mini UN: we have students from Mongolia, Denmark, Croatia, Canada, Spain, etc..

We organise events that reflect the international character of our school, for instance because students and their parents bring a dish from their home country. We encourage you to share customs from your own country with other students on all kinds of occasions and in different projects. We all learn from each other.

Respect rules

We have one rule that applies to everyone at the ISG:

Teachers should be allowed to teach and students should be allowed to learn

Whatever interferes with that rule is not acceptable. It all has to do with respect, of course. Respect for teachers who have something to teach the students, and respect for students who are trying to pick up some useful information. In fact, it is quite simple: treat others with respect and expect them to do the same.